Telangana Polycet 2017 Final Phase Counselling from 12th July details in…
TS Polycet 2017 Final Counselling dates released in online at, The Qualified Candidates of TSPOLYCET-2017 who have not attended for Certificate Verification earlier shall get their Certificates verified from designated Help Line Centres mentioned in the Annexure I. The candidates who have participated in Phase-I Counseling can also exercise options using their old password, Login ID, for the leftover seats now available and consequential vacancies that may arise in the process of allotment as per the schedule given below, and it is advised to exercise options for interested Polytechnics assuming that vacancies are available in the course of their choice.
TS Polycet 2017 Final Counselling dates for Telangana Polycet 2017 certificates verification and online web options entry process from 12.07.2017 and options entry from 12.07.2017 to 13.07.2017.
Telangana Polycet 2017 Final Phase Counselling seat allotment order:
TS Polycet 2017 Final Counselling provisional seat allotment order on 15.07.2017
1. Allotments will be placed in the website on 15-07-2017 after8:00P.M.
2. For downloading the candidate’s allotment order, enter the ROC Form Number, Hall Ticket Number, Password, and Date of Birth in Candidates login in
3. IMPORTANT:-The candidates shall refer to for information regarding addition or deletion of any Polytechnic Colleges/Courses up to the day proposed for exercising options
Who is eligible to Telangana Polycet 2017 Final Phase Counselling?
Who can exercise options?
Candidates who have secured seat but not interested to join.
Who have not secured seat so far but got their certificates verified.
Who have not exercised the options so far but got their certificates verified.
Who have secured a seat, reported and aspiring for a better option.
Who have reported/Not reported but cancelled their Phase-I allotment.
And any other eligible candidates.
TS Polycet 2017 Final Counselling dates released in online at, The Qualified Candidates of TSPOLYCET-2017 who have not attended for Certificate Verification earlier shall get their Certificates verified from designated Help Line Centres mentioned in the Annexure I. The candidates who have participated in Phase-I Counseling can also exercise options using their old password, Login ID, for the leftover seats now available and consequential vacancies that may arise in the process of allotment as per the schedule given below, and it is advised to exercise options for interested Polytechnics assuming that vacancies are available in the course of their choice.
TS Polycet 2017 Final Counselling dates for Telangana Polycet 2017 certificates verification and online web options entry process from 12.07.2017 and options entry from 12.07.2017 to 13.07.2017.
Telangana Polycet 2017 Final Phase Counselling seat allotment order:
TS Polycet 2017 Final Counselling provisional seat allotment order on 15.07.2017
1. Allotments will be placed in the website on 15-07-2017 after8:00P.M.
2. For downloading the candidate’s allotment order, enter the ROC Form Number, Hall Ticket Number, Password, and Date of Birth in Candidates login in
3. IMPORTANT:-The candidates shall refer to for information regarding addition or deletion of any Polytechnic Colleges/Courses up to the day proposed for exercising options
Who is eligible to Telangana Polycet 2017 Final Phase Counselling?
Who can exercise options?
Candidates who have secured seat but not interested to join.
Who have not secured seat so far but got their certificates verified.
Who have not exercised the options so far but got their certificates verified.
Who have secured a seat, reported and aspiring for a better option.
Who have reported/Not reported but cancelled their Phase-I allotment.
And any other eligible candidates.
TS Polycet 2017 Final Counselling dates Notification download
Telangana Polycet 2017 Final Phase Counselling optionsentry in