AP ICET 2017 Original Certificates list to counselling in apicet.nic.in

Original Certificates list to attend AP ICET 2017 counselling in apicet.nic.in….
AP ICET 2017 Original Certificates list to attend APICET 2017 certificates verification in help line centers are as follows below, so before entering to the AP ICET 2017 counselling certificates verification candidates should carry the following documents.
AP ICET 2017 Original Certificates list to counselling:
All original certificates and two sets of Xerox copies.
1) AP-ICET-2017 Hall Ticket
2) AP ICET-2017 Rank Card
3) Degree Marks Memos / consolidated marks memo
4) Degree Provisional Certificate
5) Intermediate Marks Memo / Diploma Marks memo
6) S.S.C or its equivalent Marks memo
7) IX to Degree Study Certificates or Residence Certificate (in case where candidate has no institutionalized education) or Residence certificate of either of the parent in AP for 10 years excluding the period of employment outside Andhra Pradesh from the competent authority in respect of Non-Local Candidates.  AP ICET 2017 Certificates verification dates
8) Income Certificate issued after 01.01.2014
9) Caste Certificate issued by competent authority
10) Aadhar Card (Xerox will also be returned after verification).
 Certificates to be produced by PH/CAP/NCC/Sports/Minority Candidates: 
a) PH-Certificate issued by the District Medical Board. Candidates with 40% and above disability are only eligible.
b) CAP- Certificate issued by Zilla Sainik Welfare Officer (In case of Ex-Service men) Identity card and Service Discharge book for verification. Candidates whose parents are domicile of Andhra Pradesh are only eligible to be considered under “CAP” Category.
c) NCC & Sports- To produce Original Certificates issued by competent authorities.
d) Minorities: SSC ‘TC’ containing Minority Status or Certificate from the Head Master.
e) Anglo-Indian: A Certificate issued by Competent Authority of their place of Residence.

Note: Original Certificates need not be deposited in the college at the time of admission.