File Income Tax Return Online in…..
e-Filing Home Page, Income Tax Department, Government is, File Income Tax Return Online is very easy and safe to all and its very quickly from anywhere in India Taxpayers can do Online Income Tax Return e-Filing. The process of electronically filing Income tax returns through the internet is known as e-Filing.
Income department website to File Income Tax Return Online is, from anywhere all Taxpayers can pay their Income Tax E-filing in Online. e-filling of income tax returns Assessments in online year wise. Income Tax India Online Income Tax Return e-Filing Efiling at
How to create an Account to pay Online Income Tax Returns?
Without any Account in Income Tax Department website Taxpayers are not paying their e-Filing of Tax, so first creat a Account to pay Online Income Tax Return e-Filing . Simple steps to create Account to File Income Tax Returns in Online. Apply PAN Card Online
Login - Income Tax E-Filing:
After creating New Account in Income Tax Department website Taxpayers can get Login ID and Password.
Types of e-Filing: Online Income Tax Return e-Filing are 3 Types
There are three ways to file Income Tax Returns electronically:
1. e-File without Digital Signature Certificate. In this case an ITR-V Form is generated. The Form should be printed, signed and submitted to CPC, Bangalore using Ordinary Post or Speed Post ONLY within 120 days from the date of e-Filing. There is no further action needed, if ITR-V Form is submitted.
2. e-File the Income Tax Return through an e-Return Intermediary (ERI) with or without Digital Signature Certificate (DSC).
3. Use Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) / EVC to e-File. There is no further action needed, if filed with a DSC / EVC.
Online Income Tax Return e-Filing:
It is mandatory to file Income Tax Forms using Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) by a Chartered Accountant.
The Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) used in e-Filing the Income Tax Return/Forms should be registered on e-Filing application.
How to e-Filing Online Income Tax Returns?
To upload Income Tax Return:
10 Simple steps to e-Filing Online Income Tax Returns
Online Income Tax Return e-Filing:
1. On homepage, GO TO 'Downloads' section and select applicable Income Tax Return Form of the relevant Assessment Year OR Login to e-Filing application and GO TO 'Downloads'-->'Income Tax Return Forms' and select applicable Income Tax Return Form of the relevant Assessment Year.
2. Download the excel utility of the Income Tax Return (ITR).
3. Fill the excel utility and Validate. (You can pre-fill the Personal and Tax Information in your Income Tax Return. To pre-fill, Login to e-Filing application and GO TO --> Downloads --> Download Pre-filled XML to the desired path/destination in your desktop/system. Open the Excel utility (ITR) and click the "Pre-fill" button. This will require you to select the path/destination where you have saved the XML and click OK. The details will be uploaded into your utility. You may edit the tax details, if needed).
4. Generate an XML file and save in desired path/destination in your desktop/system.
5. LOGIN to e-Filing application and GO TO --> e-File --> Upload Return.
6. Select the Income Tax Return Form and the Assessment Year.
7. Browse and Select the XML file
8. Upload Digital Signature Certificate, if available and applicable.
9. Click 'SUBMIT'.
10. On successful upload, Acknowledgement details would be displayed. Click on the link to view or generate a printout of Acknowledgement/ITR-V Form.
These are the 10 important points to File Income Tax Return Online in
Online Income Tax Return e-Filing at
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