AP 10 class internal exams for 20 Marks from 2016

Changes in AP School Educations, AP SSC Public exams for 80 Marks from 2016…
Present implemented 2015-16 academic year 9 classes only.

From Next year 2016-17 academic year onwards 10 class Students also

Form 2015-16 academic year VI-IX class the changes are implemented but from 2016-17 year X class also implemented in AP.
Changes in AP School Educations

Latest Syllabus and Text Books for 1st class to 10 classes in AP

From 20116-17 year onwards total 11 Subjects Question papers in exams

In every subject Public exams for 80% of marks and remaining 20% marks internal exams conducts (Format Assessment)  

Each Question paper exam time is 2.30 Hours and 15 Mints extra time to read question paper

20% of marks is based on Students performance on Education, Slip Test, Project works and extra activities. In marks memos Grade point are appear

In every subject student can get Minimum 27 Marks in Public exams to pass

In Internal exams every subject need to get Minimum 8 marks to pass Public exams

In both Public and Internal total 35 marks are required to pass all each subject

There no fail and Pass in Internal exams i.e.. 20 marks but in public exams candidates should get 35 Marks.

These rules and regulation will be implemented to 10 class students from 2016-17 Academic years
grades Changes in AP School Educations
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