Pharma-D, B.Pharmacy and Bio-Technology Admissions 2016 certificate Verification dates and counseling schedule at
AP Eamcet 2016 Admissions (Bi.P.C Stream) Notification 2016 now in website, certificates verification and Option exercising for web based counseling details rank wise in
The qualified candidates of AP Eamcet 2016 Bi.P.C Stream are informed that certificate verification and option entry will be commence for admissions into Pharma-D, B.Pharmacy and Bio-Technology courses.
For this Pharma-D, B.Pharmacy and Bio-Technology courses counseling 2016 certificate verification candidates can visit any one the Help Line Centers (HLCs)
Candidates are informed to collect the details of the Web Counseling Procedure and other relevant information from Help Line Centers on the day of Certificate Verification without fail and the same is also placed on website:
Original certificates List to attend Pharma-D, B.Pharmacy and Bio-Technology 2016 Certificate Verification in HLCs as follows
All original certificates and Two Sets of Xerox Copies like
EAMCET Rank Card,
EAMCET Hall Ticket,
Intermediate Memo- cum-Pass Certificate,
S.S.C or its equivalent Marks memo,
VI to Inter Study Certificate,
Aadhar Card,
10 years Residence Certificate of either of the Parents if the candidate belongs to NonLocal category
Income Certificate issued after 01.01.2016 whose parental income from all sources is Rs. 1 Lakh per annum for OC/BC/Minority category candidates and Rs. 2 Lakhs per annum for SC/ST category Candidates and
Caste Certificate issued by competent authority and also PH/CAP/NCC/Sports/Minority Certificate if applicable.
Certificates to be produced by PH/CAP/NCC/Sports/Minority Candidates: PH-Certificate issued by District Medical Board--- Candidates with 40% and above disability are only eligible.
CAP- Certificate issued by Zilla Sainik Welfare Officer (In case of Ex-Service men) Identity card and Discharge book for verification.
Candidates whose parents are domicile of Andhra Pradesh / Telangana are only eligible to be considered under “CAP” Category.
NCC & Sports and. To produce Original Certificates issued by competent authorities.
Minorities: SSC TC containing Minority Status or Certificate from the Head Master.
Anglo-Indian: A Certificate issued by Tahsildar of their place of Residence.
1. Processing Fee: Rs.1000/- (OC/BC),
Processing Fee: Rs.500/-(SC/ST).
2. Fee Particulars and seats available under Convenor quota will be available on the website: before the commencement of Option Entry.
Allotments will be placed on Website
Pharma-D, B.Pharmacy and Bio-Technology 2016 counseling Notification Download
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Pharma-D, B.Pharmacy and Bio-Technology Admissions 2016 certificate Verification dates