Telangana Epass Fresh & Renewal Scholarships online application…..
Telangana Epass website is, now Telangana State has opened year scholarships Fresh and renewal application forms, apply all the TS Students to get Fee Reimbursement for the academic year
TS Epass website has provides the following services now opened
Postmatric Scholarships for Fresh Registration
Postmatric Scholarships for Renewal Registration
Prematric Scholarships for SC/ST Fresh Registration
Prematric Scholarships for SC/ST Renewal Registration
Apply now in online for all these scholarships of Telangana State.
TS Postmatric Scholarships for Fresh Registration details:
All the students who are get admissions in academic years in Telangana State now apply for this Postmatric Fresh Scholarships
Epass Fresh Application Form in Telangana State
Pre-Requisits for PMS -Fresh Registration Process for the Academic Year
1) S.S.C Hall ticket number, year of pass, type of pass(Regular/Supple./CBSE etc.) to access the application
2) a) Student Aadhaar CARD NUMBER
b) If you do not have Aadhaar Card, go to the nearest Aadhaar Enrollment Centre for enrolment.
c) If you have enrolled for Aadhaar and have Enrolment Number(EID) with you, then verify yourAadhaar Status.( Click here to verify the status of Aadhaar)
3) Caste Certificate obtained from Meeseva Centre
4) Income Certificate obtained from Meeseva Centre after
5)Open bank account in any of the Nationalized Banks (Click here for the list of Nationalized Banks). Bank account not required for EBC students.
6)Students should have a Mobile Number for receiving ONE TIME PASSWORD for registration of application(Mobile number may belong to the student or any one of his/her family members)
7)STUDY/BONAFIDE CERTIFICATE for the last SEVEN consecutive years of Study
8) Furnish CET(Common Entrance Test) allotment order for CET courses
9) If the student belongs to Intermediate, to register in ePASS, the student has to complete online Admission in BIE(Board of Intermediate Education) Portal by the College Principal
Mandatory Documents to be Scanned and Uploaded for FRESH Registration Process for the Academic year
Latest Passport size photograph
Aadhaar Card of the Student
Bank Pass Book first page( showing student name, Bank Account Number and IFSC code of the Bank Branch(Not required for EBC students)
STUDY/BONAFIDE CERTIFICATE for the last SEVEN consecutive years of Study(For the students as referred at point no.7 above)
CET (Common Entrance Test) allotment order for CET courses
Now apply for Telangana Epass Fresh scholarships through this link
TS Postmatric Scholarships for Renewal Registration details:
Epass Renewal Application Form in Telangana State
Prerequisits for Renewal Registration Process for the Academic Year
1) a) All the Students Registering on the epass website must have a Aadhar card of .
b)If you do not have Aadhar Card, go to the nearest Aadhar Enrollment centre for Enrollment .
b) If you have enrolled for Aadhar and have Enrollment Number(EID). with you, then verify your Aadhar status.Click Here to verify status of Aadhaar)
2) Incase of change of Bank account, open your Zero balance account in any of the nationlized banks (Click here for the list of nationalised banks). Bank account not required For EBC students.
3)Student should have a Mobile Number for receiving One Time Password for registration (Mobile number may belong to the student or any one of his/her family members).
4) Study/Bonafide Certificates for the last 7 consecutive years of study, for the students confirmation.
Documents to be scanned compulsorily For Renewal Registration Process for the Academic Year
Bank Pass Book first page with Bank Account number and IFS Code incase of change.(Not Required For EBC Students)
Study/Bonafide Certificates for the last 7 consecutive years of study.(For the students as refered at point no. 4 above) .
Passed/Promoted Marks Memo of Previous year
Original Income Affidavit (signed by the Student & the Parent) Download format for affidavit.
Apply Now for Epass Renewal Application Form in Telangana State
These are the main details required to apply Telangana Epass Fresh & Renewal Scholarships in online.
Telangana Epass Fresh & Renewal Scholarships online Application at