to online complaints on AP Rythu Runa mafi list

Runa mafi online complaints website 

Latest Update on Rythu runamafi complaints centers in District, updated news on 27 April 2015
complaints on AP Rythu Runa mafi list

27 March 2015: AP Rythu Runa Mafi Phase 2 List Bank wise  announced today in online at APCBS Portal at

Andhra Pradesh Govt. has issued Rythu Runa mafi list of phase-1, phase-2 and phase-3 in online at  the following websites, 2nd phase AP Raithu Runa Mafi selected Loan Waivers list Bank Wise details, and websites, so if you have any objections or complaints on this list of Rythu Runa mafi phases wise can upload details through online from, last date to updates your documents is 07th January 2015, AP Loan Waiver scheme of Andhra Pradesh state in case your names and Loan accounts number are not shown in AP Rythu Runa Mafi list shows pending status in online you can proceed for complaints.Get Phae-1, phase-2 and phase-3 Rythu Runa Mafi List details get here

Latest news on complaints on AP Rythu Runa mafi list on 11 April 2015:
complaints on AP Rythu Runa mafi list

Online complaints for AP Rythu Runa mafi ineligible farmers:

Farmers of AP Loan Waivers can complaint in website
Online complaints only through MRO offices, RDO offices, Mee-Seva, MAO and Branch Officers only eligible to complaints of farmers loan waivers details in online at

complaints on AP Rythu Runa mafi list.

Required documents to apply Rythu Runa Mafi eligibility:

The AP Loan Waivers who are getting pending status or not shown your names in online for  Rythu Runa Mafi you can apply now for getting Rythu Runa Mafi eligibility by providing the following documents
1.Loan Account number
2.Aadhaar card number
3.Bhumi Pattadar Passbook or 10(1) adangal
4.Phone number of farmers

By providing all the details in MRO offices, RDO offices, Mee-Seva centers, MAO and Branch Officers you can complaints on raithu runa mafi and get loan relief of Agricultural.

Application fee is only Rs.5/- for getting Rythu Runa Mafi eligibility in Mee-Seva centers

After complaint in online for Rythu Runa Mafi you can receive a Message with one reference numbers please note that number its help full to you in further steps.

By checking the details of online complaints Govt. has provides Debit relief to all the Loan waivers within one week.

complaints on AP Rythu Runa mafi list in

Branch Office Login website as Agriculrural Debt Relief

MRO/RDO  Login website as SarkarBhumi

You are not using Internet Explorer. Please use Internet Explorer to Login in

1. Branch Office: Login credentials as Agriculrural Debt Relief Module.
2. MRO/RDO: Login credentials as SarkarBhumi Website:

Runa mafi complaints website, Andhra Pradesh Govt. has issued Rythu Runa mafi list of phase-1, phase-2 and phase-3 in online, Required documents to apply Rythu Runa Mafi eligibility details in MRO offices, RDO offices, Mee-Seva centers, MAO and Branch Officers Application fee is only Rs.5/-