How to put Polycet 2016 web options in online at from today…
AP CEEP Polytechnic Web Counselling is starts from today, So who are qualified and obtained a rank in Polycet 2016/CEEP 2016 exam and who are attend for certificates verification now enter your ceep web counselling options in online rank wise schedule is given below, Admissions into Polytechnics (POLYCET – 2016) courses for the academic year 2016-17.
To exercising your CEEP 2016 web options in online- Polycet 2016 web counselling options only Use Internet Explorer 6.0 or above with screen resolution of 1024 by 768.
How to put CEEP 2016 web option in online @
Andhra Pradesh CEEP 2016 (Polytechnic Admissions) Web Counselling Step wise detailed procedure mentioned belowStep1: Candidates Registration for Password Generation of CEEP 2016
For this Candidates Registration student first visit website and select option Candidates Registration and enter the following details like
ICR Form Number
POLYCET Hall Ticket Number
Rank in ceep
Date of Birth of candidates (dd/mm/yyyy)
Now select “Generate password” option and enter your Password and confirm it and please don’t share this password any one.
Step2: Login to ceep 2016 web option form
Candidates Login to exercise your CEPP 2016 web options To login this option entry form you need to enter the following details like
Login ID
Hall Ticket Number
Password generated by yourself in step 1
Date of Birth(dd/mm/yyyy)
Now select option sign in, now you enter into new window that appears like the following step.
Step3: Declaration of ceep web option and select Options Entry form
In this you can get single Dialog box like “I declared that I read the above instructions and understand the procedure” and you have get 3 options like
1. Options Entry form 2. Help screen 3.Logout In this first just tick it on Declaration and select “Options Entry form”
Step4: Select your interested District name to enter colleges and Courses
Select District Name and select "Display Options Entry Form"
Step 5: Enter Options of colleges branch wise
In this for you can select your interested branch and college by providing options numbers like 1,2,3...
which is you choose first number the college allotted based on preferences each time you need to Enter your Hall ticket number and select save options for each 10 options, its a time based process.
Step 6: This is the last step in Ceep 2016 web counselling "Log Out" option
Enter colleges and branches based on your interest we can suggest you enter maximum options, its better to get any one college. After completion of options you need to Log out , select "save and Log out" Option.
Step 7: Please take a print out of options after the above process is over like the following image is appeared and take print option.
This is the detailed Procedure of Polycet 2016 web counselling and How to put CEEP 2016 web options in online @, if you have clarification comment us, we can provide solution.
if you interested to change options before change allotted dates only, other wise all ranks from 1 to last you can get a chance after completion of process.
Polycet 2016 web counselling from today at